Thursday, April 15, 2010

the beast - jefferson peters

in time of great annoyance one always wishes to rebel,
may it be against the sun or moon or stars,
like a jug of incents one is easily disposed,
the the beholder embraces the jug of which
keeps saves its precious contents
then worshiped its content till the river run dry,
then disposes of it;

tying the hinds of a donkey may be hard,
but tying the hinds of a donkey,
and its offspring together is impossible,
while the life of a donkey may be laborous and difficult
it has no inside,
everything is just as is,
labour is a choice, while the smart ones get away
the hard workers stays,
duped of freedom ever time is set clear,
while a wolf may get away with a sheep clothing
everyone can still tell the diffrence between a
donkey and a sheep
the intensity of the life of a donkey
is as much as a speck of dust gathered on a dukes coat
therefore kicking and bouncing is what
the beast would do...